Mute a data series in Holoviews Layout by default?

Hi Community,

Is there a way to mute/hide a data series visualization in a Layout overlay by default?

For example, I want visualize two time series, where one of them should be by default muted/hidden.

What options do I use to achieve this?

import numpy as np
import holoviews as hv
from bokeh.sampledata.stocks import GOOG, AAPL

goog_dates = np.array(GOOG['date'], dtype=np.datetime64)
aapl_dates = np.array(AAPL['date'], dtype=np.datetime64)

goog = hv.Curve((goog_dates, GOOG['adj_close']), 'Date', 'Stock Index', label='Google').opts(muted=True)
aapl = hv.Curve((aapl_dates, AAPL['adj_close']), 'Date', 'Stock Index', label='Apple')

fig = (goog * aapl).opts(width=600, legend_position='top_left')

More generally,

  1. Is there a full list of options for these holoviews objects I can look up?
  2. How to I print a full list of options used by a particular holoviews object?

I haven’t found the option to mute series by default but I’ll reply to myself regarding the two general questions:

  1. Is there a full list of options for these holoviews objects I can look up?

One could use tab completion to discover available options in an interactive environment.
E.g, for Holoviews Elements Curve one could press tab inside the brackets in opts.Curve():

from holoviews import opts

Another options is to consult the help page on specific elements, e.g.,

See introduction: Customization — HoloViews v1.18.1
and more details:

  1. How to I print a full list of options used by a particular holoviews object?

For a Holoviews Element the options info can be retrieved by

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Hi @Pill-GZ.

I don’t know how to solve this. But have you looked at

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Hi @Marc,

This (i.e., overlaid plots do not respect “muted” option) looks like a bug.
It had just been fixed:

(I have not tried the latest commit.)
Thank you for pointing me to the Issue!

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