Nesting React-based components implemented based on ReactiveHTML

Dear Panel Community,

The code below is a simpler approach using plain HTML components to demonstrate what I want to achieve using React. It produces a vertical stack of two buttons:


import panel as pn
import param

class SimpleButton(pn.reactive.ReactiveHTML):

    label = param.String("Label")

    _template = """<button id="btn">{{ label }}</button>"""

class SimpleStack(pn.reactive.ReactiveHTML):

    objects = param.List()

    _template = """
    <div id="stack">
        {% for obj in objects %}
            <div id="obj">${obj}</div>
        {% endfor %}

    SimpleButton(label="Button 1"),
    SimpleButton(label="Button 2")

I’m trying to achieve the same result using React-based components as shown below:

import panel as pn
import param

class ReactButton(pn.reactive.ReactiveHTML):

    label = param.String("Label")

    _template = """<div id="widget"></div>"""

    _scripts = {
        "render": """
            const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(widget);
                React.createElement("button", {}, data.label)

    __javascript__ = [

class ReactStack(pn.reactive.ReactiveHTML):

    objects = param.List()

    _template = """<div id="widget"></div>"""

    _scripts = {
        "render": """
            // The use of data.objects below is not correct.
            // I want to know how to properly use it to obtain
            // the same result as with the SimpleStack case.
            const stack = React.createElement("div", {}, data.objects);
            const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(widget);

    __javascript__ = [

As noted above, I’m not using data.objects correctly/properly at the JS level. I would like to know how to adapt ReactStack so that it behaves similarly as SimpleStack.

Many thanks.

did you ever figure this out?

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I don’t know how to solve this. @philippjfr might.

It might be an idea to make a Feature Request for an example in the documentation showing how to answer this question. I think the general request/ question is how you can organize the objects programmatically in the render function instead of in the _template.