I am new to Panel and I am trying to normalize stock market data of an reactive DataFrame. I am getting an error and need a bit of help.
This is the minimal, reproducible example:
import pandas as pd
import panel as pn
# Create DateTimeIndex
dates = pd.date_range(start='2023-01-01', end='2023-01-10', freq='D')
# Price data
prices = [101.5, 98.2, 103.7, 100.4, 104.6, 97.8, 106.3, 99.5, 105.2, 108.0]
# Create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data={'Price': prices}, index=dates)
In a normal DataFrame I would do this to normalize the stock price:
# First Index
first_index = df.index[0]
# Normalize Price
df["Price_normalized"] = df["Price"] / df.loc[first_index, 'Price']
However, in my case I am filtering the DataFrame with a DateRangeSlider. Because of this the first_index, on which i normalize, changes. It should always be the first price of the filtered DataFrame “rdf”. The basic pandas method does not work and I get an error.
# First Index
first_index = rdf.index[0]
# Normalize Price
rdf["Price_normalized"] = rdf["Price"] / rdf.loc[first_index, 'Price']
I am getting the TypeError:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[33], line 7
4 first_index = rdf.index[0]
6 # Normalize Price
----> 7 rdf["Price_normalized"] = rdf["Price"] / rdf.loc[first_index, 'Price']
TypeError: 'rx' object does not support item assignment
Does somebody know, how to fix this? Thank you!