Odd behaviour in order of hvplot bars

See this example:

import pandas as pd
import hvplot.pandas

# Create dataframe of length 1-10 and the ordering is fine
df = pd.DataFrame({col: range(20) for col in range(10)})

# Nice ordering.
chart_1 = df.count().to_frame().T.hvplot.bar(rot=90, width=1400, height=500)

# Create dataframe of lenght > 10 and the ordering is now reversed
df = pd.DataFrame({col: range(20) for col in range(11)})

# Reverse ordering.
chart_2 = df.count().to_frame().T.hvplot.bar(rot=90, width=1400, height=500)

Opened an issue here: Odd behaviour in order of hvplot bars given length of dataframe. · Issue #1277 · holoviz/hvplot · GitHub