Overridding default value format in param panel

Is there a better way to override the default value formatting for numeric panel input widgets?

import numbers
from bokeh.models.formatters import NumeralTickFormatter
import param as pm
import panel as pn

class A(pm.Parameterized):
    a = pm.Number(1000000, step=10000)
    b = pm.Number(100000, step=1000)
    c = pm.Number(10, step=1, bounds=(-100,100))
    d = pm.Magnitude(0.5)
    def widgets(self):
        number_params = [k for k,v in self.param.values().items() if isinstance(v, numbers.Number) and v > 100]
        number_format = {"format": NumeralTickFormatter(format="‘0,0’")}
        widgets={a: number_format for a in number_params}
        return widgets

a = A()

pn.Param(a, widgets=a.widgets())



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Didn’t occur to me that you could use bokeh formatting on those widgets, but ofc you can! :grin:

The NumeralTickFormatter you’re referring to has several other formats:

If you use FuncTickFormatter, you can use your own JS code and add e.g. engineering notation.

var space = ' ';
var space2 = '    ';

// B
if (Math.abs(tick) >= 1e8 && Math.abs(tick) < 1e11){
    return space2 + (tick / 1e9).toFixed(2) + space + 'B';
// M
if (Math.abs(tick) >= 1e5 && Math.abs(tick) < 1e8){
    return space2 + (tick / 1e6).toFixed(2) + space + 'M';
// k
if (Math.abs(tick) >= 1e2 && Math.abs(tick) < 1e5){
    return space2 + (tick / 1e3).toFixed(2) + space + 'k';
// 1 - 100
if (Math.abs(tick) >= 1e0 && Math.abs(tick) < 1e2){
    return space2 + (tick / 1e0).toFixed(2) + space;
// 1e-3 - 1
//if (Math.abs(tick) >= 1e-3 && Math.abs(tick) < 1e0){
//    return space2 + (tick).toFixed(3) + space;
// 1e-3 - 1e-2
if (Math.abs(tick) >= 1e-3 && Math.abs(tick) < 1e0){
    return space2 + (tick * 1e3).toFixed(2) + space + 'm';
// 1e-6 - 1e-3
if (Math.abs(tick) >= 1e-6 && Math.abs(tick) < 1e-2){
    return space2 + (tick * 1e6).toFixed(2) + space + 'µ';
// 1e-9 - 1e-6
if (Math.abs(tick) >= 1e-9 && Math.abs(tick) < 1e-5){
    return space2 + (tick * 1e9).toFixed(2) + space + 'n';
// zero
if (Math.abs(tick) == 0){
    return space2 + tick.toFixed(2) + space;
// outside bounds
    return space2 + tick.toExponential() + space;

formatter = FuncTickFormatter(code=JS_ENG_UNITS)

For anyone interested I created a Parameterized baseclass that offers the formatting method that I proposed and additionally auto generates the step value for numeric parameters to be about 1% of their bounds range if they have bounds, or 1% of their default value if they don’t have bounds.

Cheers :sunny:

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