Panel 0.11.0 Release

We are very pleased to announce Panel 0.11.0! Thanks to the many contributions from many of you in particular Many, many thanks to the people who contributed to this release, including @philippjfr , @MarcSkovMadsen, @xavArtley, @hyamanieu, @cloud-rocket, @kcpevey, @kaseyrussell, @miliante, and @AjayThorve. But many thanks also to the many people on here who helped us discover bugs and discover interesting features to pursue. We are super excited to see this community grow.

Crucially this release also provides compatibility with Bokeh>=2.3. For a full overview of the changes in this release view the release notes.

If you are using Anaconda, you can get the latest Panel with conda install -c pyviz panel , and using pip you can install it with pip install panel.

You can find the release announcement here and the full release notes here.