Panel WASM app for data labelling

I have not built a panel app before but have used bokeh. I want to build a data labelling app that reads local data (parquet) and allows the user to label data and dump the labels as csv/parquet.

I work with experts that do not have python setup on their laptops and I do not want to setup and maintain a Python version on their laptops. Thus i was thinking of making this app/dashboard WASM based. Is there an example of such a user interaction? How would you approach this project?

Any help or direction is appreciated.

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Hi @aeroaks

It sounds very reasonable to make it WASM based.

I would recommend creating a minimal hello world Panel WASM app and try to share it with colleagues. The reason I recommend doing is that deployment/ sharing is often the part that Pythonistas do not know about.

Then I would improve the application adding upload and download of files. When that works I would add the data labelling part.

It might sound a bit backwards. But I’ve reversed the normal order to be able to quickly identify whether this can work for you or not in practice. In my organisation Python development is not the hard part. But sharing/ deployment is very hard for many reasons including security.