panel.widgets.Debugger throws javascript exception: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'offsetWidth')

ALL software version info

Out[3]: ‘1.3.8’

Out[5]: ‘3.3.4’

panel.min.js version 1.3.8
bokeh min js version 3.3.4

Chrome version Version 117.0.5938.149 (Official Build) (arm64)
Safari version Version 17.1 (19616.

Description of expected behavior and the observed behavior

Debugger panel caused javascript errors which break rendering and further interaction with location.sync

bokeh-3.3.4.min.js:163 Error rendering Bokeh items: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'offsetWidth')
at (panel.min.js:148:1381)
at c.after_layout (panel.min.js:148:1790)
at n.after_layout (bokeh-3.3.4.min.js:560:6174)
at n.compute_layout (bokeh-3.3.4.min.js:560:5574)
at n.invalidate_layout (bokeh-3.3.4.min.js:560:6901)
at n.after_render (bokeh-3.3.4.min.js:560:6594)
at n.after_render (panel.min.js:52:1505)
at n.r_after_render (bokeh-3.3.4.min.js:560:6521)
at n.render_to (bokeh-3.3.4.min.js:560:6357)
at bokeh-3.3.4.min.js:218:834

Complete, minimal, self-contained example code that reproduces the issue

import panel as pn
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

pn.extension('terminal', console_output='disable')

    name='Debugger', level=logging.INFO

Stack traceback and/or browser JavaScript console output

bokeh-3.3.4.min.js:163 Error rendering Bokeh items: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'offsetWidth')
at (panel.min.js:148:1381)
at c.after_layout (panel.min.js:148:1790)
at n.after_layout (bokeh-3.3.4.min.js:560:6174)
at n.compute_layout (bokeh-3.3.4.min.js:560:5574)
at n.invalidate_layout (bokeh-3.3.4.min.js:560:6901)
at n.after_render (bokeh-3.3.4.min.js:560:6594)
at n.after_render (panel.min.js:52:1505)
at n.r_after_render (bokeh-3.3.4.min.js:560:6521)
at n.render_to (bokeh-3.3.4.min.js:560:6357)
at bokeh-3.3.4.min.js:218:834

Looks like a bug to me, could you file an issue?

Thanks for the prompt response! I did so yesterday: