I’m using FastGridTemplate to make a plotting dashboard that has 4 geographic plots. I have an on-click event that plots multiple timeseries in the sidebar given a click location. This method works great in terms of everything but sizing. The goal is to have the 5 timeseries match the width of the sidebar with a responsive height such that all the plots fit without triggering a scrollbar.
If I use the responsive=True option in each plot, no matter which method I use for the Layout (e.g. pn.Column, (plot1+plot2+…).cols(1), etc), the plots achieve the perfect height and width, but they overlap. A minimal, reproducible example is a little difficult to come up with, but here is the function which triggers the plots. “state.data” is an xarray dataset loaded into memory. Does anyone have any tips/tricks to get the behavior I am looking for?
template = pn.template.FastGridTemplate()
def side_plots(x,y):
if not np.isnan(x):
lon,lat=ccrs.PlateCarree().transform_point(x, y,ccrs.GOOGLE_MERCATOR)
wind = state.data.where(
(state.data.lon>=lon-wrf_spacing/111) &\
(state.data.lon<=lon+wrf_spacing/111) &\
(state.data.lat>=lat-wrf_spacing/111) &\
title=f'Wind Speed m/s ({lon:.4}, {lat:.4})',
# responsive=True,
wave = state.data.where(
(state.data.lon_rho>=lon-roms_spacing/111) &\
(state.data.lon_rho<=lon+roms_spacing/111) &\
(state.data.lat_rho>=lat-roms_spacing/111) &\
# responsive=True,
return (wind+wave).cols(1)
return pn.pane.Str('Double-click on a plot to see the timeseries \n of each variable')
Here is the result without responsive=True
Here is the result with responsive=True