I am trying to update the style of a plot based on the state of a button. I started by experimenting with pn.widgets.RadioButtonGroup
with two states: on and off. I found that when I click one of the states, the response is unsyncronized relative to the state clicked.
Here is my code, which is based in one the tutorials I found after googling the issue:
import panel as pn
off_on = pn.widgets.RadioButtonGroup(options=['off','on'], value='off')
def get_value(off_on):
return off_on
widget = pn.Column("My button", off_on)
out = pn.Row(widget, pn.WidgetBox(get_value, width=300))
Here there is a video: https://youtu.be/Ndman8eKbvw
Here’s how I would do it:
import panel as pn
off_on = pn.widgets.RadioButtonGroup(options=['off','on'], value='off')
text_box = pn.widgets.TextInput(value="off", disabled=True)
def get_value(event):
text_box.value = event.new
off_on.param.watch(get_value, "value")
pn.Column(off_on, text_box)
Thanks @ahuang11! Your example worked fine. Now I am trying to apply it to a plot, to control the visibility of the data. So far I have this:
off_on = pn.widgets.RadioButtonGroup(value='on', options=['on','off'])
text_box = pn.widgets.TextInput(value="on", disabled=True)
df = pd.DataFrame({
"x": [1,2,3],
"y": [1,2,3],
plot = df.hvplot.points(x="x", y="y")
# @pn.depends()
def get_value(event):
text_box.value = event.new
if event.new == 'off':
off_on.param.watch(get_value, "value")
out = pn.Row(plot, pn.Column(off_on,text_box))
The switch and texbox work as in your example, but it does not affect the plot option (alpha in this case). From other examples I have seen, I think I need to use a decorator somewhere but I am not sure (I just started using holoviz).