Set up responsive mode on echarts


I’m testing echarts for one of my dashboard. But I could not set responsive mode when I use pyechart example in ECharts — Panel v0.14.0. If you can help me on this topic, I will be grateful…

from pyecharts.charts import Bar

bar1 = pn.widgets.IntSlider(start=1, end=100, value=50)
bar2 = pn.widgets.IntSlider(start=1, end=100, value=50)

@pn.depends(bar1.param.value, bar2.param.value)
def plot(bar1, bar2):
    my_plot= (Bar()
        .add_xaxis(['Helicoptors', 'Planes'])
        .add_yaxis('Total In Flight', [bar1, bar2])
    return pn.pane.ECharts(my_plot, width=500, height=250)
pn.Row(pn.Column(bar1, bar2), plot).servable()

Thanks in advance.

Hi. does it mean there is no way to do? In documentation, it can be set if pyechart is not preferred. I think it should be easy. but I could not find a way.

Hi @nemesis

Unfortunately pyecharts does not support the responsive setting. So you will have to find a work around.

This works

import json

import panel as pn
from pyecharts.charts import Bar

bar1 = pn.widgets.IntSlider(start=1, end=100, value=50)
bar2 = pn.widgets.IntSlider(start=1, end=100, value=50)

@pn.depends(bar1.param.value, bar2.param.value)
def plot(bar1, bar2):
    my_plot= (Bar()
        .add_xaxis(['Helicoptors', 'Planes'])
        .add_yaxis('Total In Flight', [bar1, bar2])

    my_plot.options["responsive"] = True
    my_plot = json.loads(my_plot.dump_options())
    return pn.pane.ECharts(my_plot, height=500, sizing_mode="stretch_width")

pn.Row(pn.Column(bar1, bar2), plot).servable()

It’s always a good idea to consult It contains working examples end to end that handles responsiveness and themes. More specifically consult the app gallery and filter on your framework of interest Awesome Panel | Gallery.


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Hi Marc,

Thanks for your prompt answer. Indeed I’m aware of your site. I’m following you a lot. I also like highcharts a lot. Examples in awesome-panel are very good examples. When I got stuck, I’m checking your examples. But this does not work for me.

But for panel version 0.13, it works. is there any know version specific problem?

I also have another problem. pyecharts-gallery/ at master · pyecharts/pyecharts-gallery · GitHub. I need to use formatter. But when I add javascript, json load and dump_option is throwing error.
I checked pycharts documentation. They did not update pychart documentation for a while. (or I did not find the up-to-date documentation) But in GitHub, I can see examples are up-to-date.

My third question is about events. Is it possible to use click event of pycharts or echarts in panel?

Thanks for your help in advance.

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Hi @nemesis


  1. For me the example works with Panel 0.14.0.
  2. Using javascript etc will probably not work. I would love it to do. Could you make a feature request?
  3. using events does not work. There is a Feature request here Events support for Panel Echarts · Issue #2147 · holoviz/panel ( Could you upvote it?

@Marc Thanks. I opened a feature request.

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