Show plot when there is no data

I have a scatter plot: data_slice.hvplot.scatter. Based on the widget it can happen that, there is no data for the graph. In that case I’m getting the error:

holoviews.core.options.SkipRendering: bokeh backend could not plot any Elements in the Overlay.

Instead of the error I would like to see empty plot. What is the best way to achieve that?

Hi @matipos2, this looks like a bug in hvPlot. Could you please open a bug report on GitHub - holoviz/hvplot: A high-level plotting API for pandas, dask, xarray, and networkx built on HoloViews with a minimum reproducible example? Thanks!

Bug report is created: Error when no data: bokeh backend could not plot any Elements in the Overlay · Issue #1501 · holoviz/hvplot · GitHub with quickly developed an example.