Tabulator Widget on_click event ValueError possible fix

Currently, I am using one tabulator widget to display multiple data in different databases, and I want to use the on_click event to have a FloatPanel appear and show the data more in depth.
It is working, but occasionally, it give an error like this one.

ERROR:bokeh.server.protocol_handler:error handling message
 message: Message 'PATCH-DOC' content: {'events': [{'kind': 'MessageSent', 'msg_type': 'bokeh_event', 'msg_data': {'type': 'event', 'name': 'cell-click', 'values': {'type': 'map', 'entries': [['model', {'id': 'p1097'}], ['column', 'Creation Date'], ['row', 1]]}}}]} 
 error: ValueError('The Tabulator widget expects the provided `value` Pandas DataFrame to have unique indexes, in particular when it has to deal with click or edit events. Found this duplicate index: 1')

Here are the code that I configured

tabulator_widget = None
def show_row_content(event):
            if tabulator_widget is None:
            row = event.row
            row_data = tabulator_widget.value.iloc[int(row)]
            float_panel = pn.layout.FloatPanel(row_data) #Doesnt matter the content 
            self._main.append(float_panel) #append it to the UI for view

tabulator_widget = pn.widgets.Tabulator(
            value=get_df(database=None), #There will be a button below to change the value of this Tabulator
                "paginationSizeSelector": True,

Hi @DanNguyen, it looks like you have an index with duplicate values sometimes.

The Tabulator widget expects the provided value Pandas DataFrame to have unique indexes, in particular when it has to deal with click or edit events. Found this duplicate index: 1

Ye, this is due to me decided to use a single tabulator widget for all my tables which could be refreshed and add onto it, and there will also be 2 database that can be combined, I do reset_index everytime the df is put into the table widget. Are there way to reset the on_click event with new tables?