Terminal - how to finish one terminal.subprocess.run before starting another?

I think it’s run in async?

import panel as pn

terminal = pn.widgets.Terminal()
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Were you able to find the way to know if the current subprocess completes or not?
I have a use case to create a frontend Panel app to define parameters for a notebook to be executed with papermill.
I want to use Terminal widget to trigger the subprocess and gray out the Execute button meantime papermill executes; once completed, to consume the output generated by executed notebook and response back to the end user.

I found the Terminal documentation and seems the running parameter could be of help.


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Hi @lgonzalezsa

Tried to create an example but ran into some issues reported in Issue #5908.

Thanks! will pay attention to the GitHub issue. I am going to switch to Python subprocess module in the meantime and explore how I can render the subprocess output in Panel

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