Theme for non-italicized labels

In case people don’t like the “signature” style of holoviews and hvplot (italic labels and fat, left aligned title…). This here should get most plot text elements back to “normal”. Now you can publish your plots in Nature or wherever you want :wink:.

from bokeh.themes.theme import Theme

theme = Theme(json={'attrs' : {'Title': {'align':'center','text_font_size':'15px'},       # title centered and bigger
                               'Axis': {'axis_label_text_font_style': 'normal'},          # no italic labels 
                               'Legend': {'title_text_font_style': 'normal'},
                               'ColorBar': {'title_text_font_style': 'normal'}}})
hv.renderer('bokeh').theme = theme  
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And here is a code snippet to export plots to svg, which I got from here:

It doesn’t seem to work with layouts, which is also written in the stackoverflow post.

import holoviews as hv
from import export_svgs

def export_svg(obj, filename):
    plot_state = hv.renderer('bokeh').get_plot(obj).state
    plot_state.output_backend = 'svg'
    export_svgs(plot_state, filename=filename)

overlay = hv.Overlay(...)
export_svg(overlay, 'overlay.svg')

I believe I had the same experience with returning fonts to “normal” so I created the caliber or light_minimal themes long ago

hv.renderer('bokeh').theme = 'light_minimal'
xs = np.linspace(0, np.pi*4, 100)
hv.Curve((xs, np.sin(xs)), label='foo')
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Oh, interesting. Here is a comparison:



Maybe this here is a little better:

from bokeh.themes.theme import Theme

theme = Theme(json={'attrs' : {'Title': {'align':'center','text_font_size':'18px', 'text_font_style':'normal'},       # title centered and bigger
                               'Axis': {'axis_label_text_font_style': 'normal', 'axis_label_text_font_size':'14px'},          # no italic labels 
                               'Legend': {'title_text_font_style': 'normal', 'label_text_font_size':'14px', 'title_text_font_size':'14px'},
                               'ColorBar': {'title_text_font_style': 'normal'}}})
hv.renderer('bokeh').theme = theme  

What about caliber?

Like this?

from bokeh.themes.theme import Theme

theme = Theme(json={'attrs' : {'Title':   {'align':'center',       
                               'Axis':    {'axis_label_text_font':'caliber',
                                           'axis_label_text_font_style': 'normal', 
                               'Legend':  {'title_text_font_style': 'normal', 
                                           'title_text_font_style': 'normal',

hv.renderer('bokeh').theme = theme  

I think most journals would prefer sans-serif fonts for figures (Nature does). Figures are usually already so tiny. So a simple font works better.

Also, somehow the code that saves it to svg ignores the text styling.

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This changes my x and y label texts to not be italicized but doesnt change anything on the title. Anyone knows why is it happening?

import holoviews as hv
import panel as pn
from bokeh.themes.theme import Theme

theme = Theme(
        "attrs": {
            "Title": {
                "align": "center",
                "text_font_size": "25px",
                "text_font_style": "normal",
            },  # title centered and bigger
            "Axis": {
                "axis_label_text_font_style": "normal",
                "axis_label_text_font_size": "20px",
            },  # no italic labels
            "Legend": {
                "title_text_font_style": "normal",
                "label_text_font_size": "20px",
                "title_text_font_size": "20px",
            "ColorBar": {"title_text_font_style": "normal"},
hv.renderer("bokeh").theme = theme
xs = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 4, 100)
curve = hv.Curve((xs, np.sin(xs)), label="foo")
hv_pane = pn.pane.HoloViews(curve)


Maybe helpful: