Is there a simple guide for doing username/password auth?
I’m just using Bokeh’s auth module
I’d be happy to ship other auth components with Panel, currently we support a variety of OAuth providers but I guess one bit that is missing even from that is the ability to black/white-list specific users. With the Okta provider you can set that up on the Okta side but that doesn’t work for the GitHub, GitLab providers etc.
I’d also be happy to have an even simpler auth component that keeps a simple list of users and salted/hashed passwords.
Knowing very little about security, how safe/unsafe would it be if I just used a
def authenticate(event):
# "something" and "something_else" would be saved in some env file
if username_input.value == "something" and password_input.value == "something_else":
return True # trigger loading app
return False
username_input = pn.widgets.TextInput(placeholder="Enter username here")
password_input = pn.widgets.PasswordInput(placeholder="Enter password here")
submit_button = pn.widgets.Button(name="Submit")
auth_col = pn.Column(
The reason being is that users don’t have accounts in any of the built-in ouath2 providers
How were you able to use it?
When I served with:
panel serve --enable-xsrf-cookies --auth-module=myapp/
If I go to
localhost:####/login it would work as expected, redirecting to localhost:####/myapp
However, I could bypass the login page just by directly visiting without logging in
How about saving the login state in the session and then just redirecting to the login page when a user tries to access a “login-protected” page?
Do you know how I can do that?
you might have to clear your cookies
For me it works even when I go to the app page directly (redirects to login page)
Oh maybe, but I guess it’s easily bypassable:
@ahuang11 any suggestions to improve the login page?
Edit1: when I am using the example above (, then I created a logout button, it is always necessary to re-login to access the app. Example of the logout button is below.
code = """
button = pn.widgets.Button(name="Logout", button_type="success")
I wonder how we can clear the cookies when we close the browser tab or set the timeout.
arguments works well to give the timeout on the cookies. 0.001 means 1 minutes. 0.04 will give around 1 hour (57 minutes).
def set_current_user(self, user): if user: self.set_cookie( "user", tornado.escape.json_encode(user), expires_days=0.001 ) else: self.clear_cookie("user")
pn.state.cache could be used to pass the python object, for example service obj from database, to the main application.
We should definitely allow a configurable timeout for the cookie. Can someone file an issue?
Also separately could someone make a suggestions for a basic non-OAuth approach, e.g. just a way to store hashed and salted Username/Password pairs alongside the application.
Simple login/password auth example without oauth · Issue #2575 · holoviz/panel · GitHub had the same question as this post. Before really resolve it,I use this enter simple password when login(like the way in jupyter notebook) · Issue #4113 · holoviz/panel · GitHub as the temporary resolution.