Unexpected option 'line_color' for RGB type across all extensions. No similar options found

Hello, i have this simple piece of code:

import dask.dataframe as dd
import hvplot.dask # noqa

filenames = [filenames…]
df = dd.read_csv(filenames).persist()
toplot = df.hvplot.line(x=‘global_index’,y=‘y’,datashade=True)
toplot.opts(width=964, height=664,bgcolor=‘black’)

Everything works fine here, but when i add :
toplot.opts(line_color = ‘white’)

I get the error message: “ValueError: Unexpected option ‘line_color’ for RGB type across all extensions. No similar options found.”

I’m pretty new to hvplot and don’t know if it is a mistake in the code or a bug.

It’s neither, when you datashade some input it becomes rasterized into an RGB array. If you need to change the color you can provide a cmap argument to the hvPlot call with a list of a single hex color. It might be nice if hvPlot automatically did that when providing a color though, so an issue would be appreciated.

Of course. It works now, thank you very much. I’ll open a feature request on git.

Options and parameter names have often bedeviled me.
One approach I have found useful is to
print(toplots) which shows the plot type, and
hv.help(element_type) which shows a list of all the applicable options