VSpacer not working inside the sidebar area similar way as in the main area, why?

Consider following MWE code (using panel 1.4.0, param 2.1.0, bokeh 3.4.0, Python 3.12.2 on Ubuntu):

import panel as pn


parameter = pn.widgets.Select()
btn = pn.widgets.Button(name="Click me", button_type="primary", align="end", height=60)
column = pn.Column(parameter, pn.VSpacer(), btn)


It puts the button at the bottom as expected (the VSpace fills all available space):

Now if you change




you’ll see this:

i.e., the VSpacer does not seem to take any of the available space. Why it is so?

I think the CSS has issues with the template sidebar; e.g. maybe not height: 100%?

Can you file an issue on GitHub?

Thanks for the response. I filed an issue here: VSpacer not working inside the sidebar area similar way as in the main area · Issue #6716 · holoviz/panel · GitHub