Widget parameters after new update

I just updated panel to the newest version and have been running into a few issues to get my code updated in parallel. When I try to set the maximum height for a pn.widgets.CheckBoxGroup or the header color for a pn.Card exactly as I had them before, the methods no longer work. Has anyone experienced this with the new update? I am assuming we may have to try passing them in with styles or something, but when I tried that, it did not work as well.


cognitive_symptoms_choice_pm = pn.widgets.CheckBoxGroup.from_param(
sizing_mode = "stretch_both", 
stylesheets = [input_group], margin = 0, max_height = 50)

emotional_symptoms_choice_pm = pn.widgets.CheckBoxGroup.from_param(
 sizing_mode = "stretch_both", 
stylesheets = [input_group], margin = 0, styles = {'max_height': '25'})
input_group = """

.bk-input-group {

  font-size: 18px;



pn.Card(pn.Row(pn.Column(pn.Column("## Cognitive Symptoms", cognitive_symptoms_choice_pm,
 sizing_mode = "stretch_height", max_height = 150), 
            pn.Column("## Emotional Symptoms", emotional_symptoms_choice_pm, 
sizing_mode = "stretch_height", max_height = 75),
            title = "Please Select All Symptoms That Are Applicable", 
collapsible = False, sizing_mode = "stretch_both", 
header_background = "#154c79", header_color = "white", 
stylesheets = [card_header])
card_header = """

.card-header {

  color: white;


It is hard to determine what exactly the problem is without a minimal, reproducible example (MRE).

In general, a complete script only with the essential code, which can be copied/pasted and immediately run as-is with no modifications. This is much more useful than snippets.

If you haven’t already, you can take a look at Upgrade Guide — Panel v1.0.3.

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I see, here is a reproducible example:

class PanelCardDemo(param.Parameterized):

    cognitive_symptoms_choice = param.ListSelector(objects = [ 'Amnesia', 'Answers Questions More Slowly', 'Aphasia', 'Difficulty Concentrating',
 'Difficulty Remembering', 'Feeling Foggy', 'Feeling Slowed Down', 'Feeling More Emotional'], label='')
    emotional_symptoms_choice = param.ListSelector(objects = [ 'Irritability', 'Drowsiness', 'Sleep More Than Usual Sleep Disturbance',
 'Exertional Headache', 'Positional Headache', 'Pulsatile Throbbing Headache', 'Light Sensitivity', 'Noise Sensitivity',], label='')

    def __init__(self,**params):

        cognitive_symptoms_choice_pm = pn.widgets.CheckBoxGroup.from_param(self.param["cognitive_symptoms_choice"], 
                                                                           sizing_mode = "stretch_both", margin = 0, max_height = 50)
        emotional_symptoms_choice_pm = pn.widgets.CheckBoxGroup.from_param(self.param["emotional_symptoms_choice"], 
                                                                           sizing_mode = "stretch_both", margin = 0, styles = {'max_height': '25'})

        self.layout  = pn.Card(pn.Row(pn.Column(pn.Column("## Cognitive Symptoms", cognitive_symptoms_choice_pm,
    sizing_mode = "stretch_height", max_height = 150), 
                pn.Column("## Emotional Symptoms", emotional_symptoms_choice_pm, 
    sizing_mode = "stretch_height", max_height = 75))),
                title = "Please Select All Symptoms That Are Applicable", 
    collapsible = False, sizing_mode = "stretch_both", 
    header_background = "#154c79", header_color = "white")

    def view(self):

        return pn.panel(self.param)
demo = PanelCardDemo()

I would expect it to look like this as it did before

Instead of how it does now

Definitely a bug. For what it is worth, this is a MRE:

import panel as pn


pn.Card("A", title="This is black", header_background="red", header_color="white")

Edit: This will be fixed in Panel 1.0.4

Got it. Thank you for the help!