Wrap :host to targeted CSS classes to apply to the parent class

Applying styles to Panel can sometimes be tedious, especially if you don’t really have much knowledge in CSS, like me so this is more of a note for myself.

Say the class you’re targeting is bk-panel-models-icon-ToggleIcon, but the CSS stylesheet is nested in the #shadow-root like this:

Wrap :host

:host(.bk-panel-models-icon-ToggleIcon) {
  transition: transform 0.1s ease-in;

:host(.bk-panel-models-icon-ToggleIcon:hover) {
  transform: scale(1.2);

Or just target the downstream:

.bk-TablerIcon {
  transition: transform 0.1s ease-in;

.bk-TablerIcon:hover {
  transform: scale(1.2);
import panel as pn


A couple of notes here.

  1. If you’re simply injecting the stylesheet specifically on the ToggleIcon component (rather than all components) then you don’t need to include the specific host selector, i.e. a generic selector like this will do:
:host {
  transition: transform 0.1s ease-in;

:host(:hover) {
  transform: scale(1.2);
  1. If you do not need any selectors at all, you can simply supply the option in the styles dict which is applied to the host.
pn.widgets.ToggleIcon(icon="heart", styles={'transition': 'transform 0.1s ease-in'}, stylesheets=[":host(:hover) { transform: scale(1.2);}"]).servable()

That’s not to say these are better options in this case or in general but I just wanted to clarify how you can target the :host.

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