Custom hover info of gv.Points

Hi! I’m trying to code similar map to this one GeoViews Gallery - world population and I have two questions. It would be nice to see your tips or solutions:

  1. How to hide Latitude and Longitude in hover window of each point?

  2. Is there any method to customize the hover window (e.g. colors, fonts)?

The code of the example map:

import pandas as pd
import geoviews as gv
from geoviews import dim


cities = pd.read_csv('../../assets/cities.csv', encoding="ISO-8859-1")
population = gv.Dataset(cities, kdims=['City', 'Country', 'Year'])
points =, ['Longitude', 'Latitude'], ['Population', 'City', 'Country'])

tiles = gv.tile_sources.Wikipedia

tiles * points.opts(
    color='Population', cmap='viridis', size=dim('Population')*0.000001,
    tools=['hover'], global_extent=True, width=600, height=600)

See Configuring plot tools — Bokeh 2.4.2 Documentation, then once you have a bokeh hover_tool = HoverTool(...) object instantiated, pass in with


Thanks a lot! It works good.

This is great but do you think it’s possible to make it work with a projected and rasterized hvplot on top of an Xarray.Dataset. It seems the Tap stream just does not work (can’t even print out x or y)

from holoviews.util.transform import easting_northing_to_lon_lat as to_lon_lat

quadmesh_2 = ds.ES.hvplot.quadmesh(rasterize=True)

tap_stream_2 = hv.streams.Tap(source=quadmesh_2, x=0.0, y=0.0)

def tap_info_2(x, y):
    if isinstance(x, float):
        lon_lat = to_lon_lat(x, y)
        return (
            ds.ES.sel(rlon=lon_lat[0], rlat=lon_lat[1], level=0.878, method="nearest").hvplot(label='ES')
            * ds.UU.sel(rlon=lon_lat[0], rlat=lon_lat[1], level=0.878, method="nearest").hvplot(label='UU')
        return ds.ES.sel(rlon=0.0, rlat=0.0, level=0.0, method="nearest").hvplot(title=f"{x}")

tap_dmap_2 = hv.DynamicMap(tap_info_2, streams=[tap_stream_2])

(quadmesh_2 + tap_dmap_2)

where ds is

I have tried following this example but for some wird reason my dataset’s hvplot does not return an image and the widgets like it does for the tutorial air Dataset.