Custom hover info of gv.Points

This is great but do you think it’s possible to make it work with a projected and rasterized hvplot on top of an Xarray.Dataset. It seems the Tap stream just does not work (can’t even print out x or y)

from holoviews.util.transform import easting_northing_to_lon_lat as to_lon_lat

quadmesh_2 = ds.ES.hvplot.quadmesh(rasterize=True)

tap_stream_2 = hv.streams.Tap(source=quadmesh_2, x=0.0, y=0.0)

def tap_info_2(x, y):
    if isinstance(x, float):
        lon_lat = to_lon_lat(x, y)
        return (
            ds.ES.sel(rlon=lon_lat[0], rlat=lon_lat[1], level=0.878, method="nearest").hvplot(label='ES')
            * ds.UU.sel(rlon=lon_lat[0], rlat=lon_lat[1], level=0.878, method="nearest").hvplot(label='UU')
        return ds.ES.sel(rlon=0.0, rlat=0.0, level=0.0, method="nearest").hvplot(title=f"{x}")

tap_dmap_2 = hv.DynamicMap(tap_info_2, streams=[tap_stream_2])

(quadmesh_2 + tap_dmap_2)

where ds is

I have tried following this example but for some wird reason my dataset’s hvplot does not return an image and the widgets like it does for the tutorial air Dataset.