Pandas, hvplot, datashader, and legends

If I produce a scatter plot using df.hvplot.scatter(x='x', y='y', by='color', datashade=True, groupby='group') is there an easy way for me to get it to produce a legend even though the datashader option is on?

Example dataframe:

df = pd.DataFrame([
    {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'color':'b', 'group':'a'},
    {'x': 2, 'y': 3, 'color':'r', 'group':'b'},
    {'x': 3, 'y': 1, 'color':'r', 'group':'a'},
    {'x': 4, 'y': 0, 'color':'b', 'group':'b'},
    {'x': 5, 'y': 5, 'color':'b', 'group':'a'},
    {'x': 6, 'y': 3, 'color':'r', 'group':'b'},
    {'x': 7, 'y': 2, 'color':'r', 'group':'a'},
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Ran into this today as well. At the very least, it would be great to have a note on Customization — hvPlot 0.7.0 documentation about which options are mutually exclusive or ignored when datashade is set.

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Once I merge Add automatic categorical legend for datashaded plots by philippjfr · Pull Request #4806 · holoviz/holoviews · GitHub this will become possible. Unfortunately until then the only thing I can suggest is overlaying a set of points.

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is there any way to preserve the colors when I set rasterize=True? See

I’m still seeing similar problems with datashade=True not showing legends. Any one know if/how to make a legend show up?

As a code example:

# load hvplot and default bokeh extension
import hvplot.pandas
# load some sample data
import hvplot.sample_data

df =

df['dayofweek'] = df.dayofweek.astype('category')

) + df[df.carrier=='OO'].hvplot.scatter(x='arr_time',

First plot (on left) has a nice legend, second plot (on right) has no legend.

Continuing my previous example, this seems like a messy way to get a legend. Seems like this should be part of the library rather than creating a second plot and overlaying the first.

arr = []
for i in range(1, len(df.dayofweek.unique()) + 1):
    arr.append(df[(df.carrier=='OO') & (df.dayofweek == i)].head(1))
minidf = pd.concat(arr)

) * df[df.carrier=='OO'].hvplot.scatter(x='arr_time',

Maybe you can try rasterize=True and set .opts(color_levels=7)

@ahuang11 - I’m not seeing color_levels as an option available at Customization — hvPlot 0.9.0 documentation

I do see that Holoviews does have an option with that name:

import holoviews as hv

Output includes

color_levels:            Number of discrete colors to use when colormapping or a set of color
                         intervals defining the range of values to map each color to.

However, it’s not clear to me how to access that feature from hvplot. Can you provide a code example or link to documentation?

hvPlot is built on top of HoloViews so you can do:

And thus should also work

Can you also submit an issue in hvplot to mention that you can use opts too in customization because it’s not intuitive for users?

@ahuang11 - Thanks for the additional guidance. I’ll open an issue.

Also, it seems that the color_levels option isn’t available for all plotting objects.

by_plot = df[df.carrier=='OO'].hvplot.scatter(x='arr_time',

Generates this rasterized plot

Adding .opts(color_levels=7) to my rasterized plot object results in an error:


ValueError: Unexpected option ‘color_levels’ for NdOverlay type across all extensions. No similar options found.

The Holoviews help doesn’t seem to give any indication about color_levels

Parameters of ‘DynamicMap’ instance

Parameters changed from their default values are marked in red.
Soft bound values are marked in cyan.
C/V= Constant/Variable, RO/RW = ReadOnly/ReadWrite, AN=Allow None

(continues on with a lot of items but color_levels is not included)

When printing my plot object this is what it tells me.


:NdOverlay [dayofweek]
:Image [arr_time,dep_time] (arr_time_dep_time Count)

I’m starting to see that I need to understand Holoviews in order to actually use hvPlot outside the default functionality.

updated: Realized I had an incorrect import that was breaking my call!

If I do a groupby plot, the color_levels option is available. However, this is not what I want as it’s different than the by plot.

groupby_plot = df[df.carrier=='OO'].hvplot.scatter(x='arr_time',

Try: y_plot.opts(“Image”, color_levels=7)

Closer - at least it doesn’t throw an error. However, the resulting plot is unchanged from before the options.

Are you sure that’s rasterize=True? That looks like datashade=True?

Totally possible that this whole issue is just a PEBCAK!

Here’s the whole code in one notebook:

This binder link should work also, though can be slow to start:

@philippjfr - Perhaps my recent comments are just due to lack of understanding of how to use new Holoviews features in hvPlot as mentioned in your Holoviews issue “Add automatic categorical legend for datashaded plots”

It was merged into main/master back in May of 2022.

Do you have any recommendations on how to take advantage of your code in hvPlot?

I haven’t taken a deep look, but maybe this will help you

That’s a great example of what can be done with Datashader. However, in my opinion, it’s also an example of one of the limitations of Datashader: none of the graphics have a legend. The only way to understand the visualizations is to read the paragraphs of text.

I think, in the case of a single color, a carefully worded plot title/description could explain what is being shown. For those with multiple colors, the color_key should be a part of every plot instead of only in text/code:

if background == "black":
      color_key = {'w':'aqua', 'b':'lime',  'a':'red', 'h':'fuchsia', 'o':'yellow' }
else: color_key = {'w':'blue', 'b':'green', 'a':'red', 'h':'orange',  'o':'saddlebrown'}