Simple Panel example of map/time series interaction for data cube?

Adding to this discussion. I was trying to embed this into a dashboard. This is the working code:

ds = xr.tutorial.open_dataset('air_temperature')
#create a new variable to have something to change
ds['air_C'] = ds['air']-273

class GliderParams(param.Parameterized):
    '''Class containing the methods for dataset and variable selection'''
    surface_var = param.Selector(['air','air_C'], default = 'air', label = 'Surface Field')

def imaging(surface_var):
    image,select = ds[surface_var].hvplot(groupby='time',widget_location = 'bottom',
                                         cmap='RdBu_r',ylim=[15,80],xlim = [200,360],
    stream = hv.streams.Tap(source=image.object, x=0, y=0)
    timeseries = ds[surface_var].interactive.sel(lon=stream.param.x, lat=stream.param.y, method='nearest').hvplot('time') 
    return pn.Column(image, select,timeseries.dmap())

gp = GliderParams()
pn.Row(pn.Param(gp, name=''),pn.bind(imaging,gp.param.surface_var))

However, when adding coastline=True, I get an empty plot (not sure why).

The second problem I’m encountering is how to add a dynamic title to the timeseries plot to incorporate the clicked lat/lon?

Thank you!