A question here on discourse got me started on Streaming.
This is a simple example but so powerful. This a quick and dirty implementation. Don’t yet know how to do this in the best way.
Wanted to share because I have not seen so many examples of streaming with Panel yet.
I don’t understand every detail. If you want to understand it check out the reference guide https://panel.holoviz.org/reference/panes/Streamz.html#panes-gallery-streamz. This example is very much inspired by that.
import numpy as np
import altair as alt
import pandas as pd
import panel as pn
from streamz.dataframe import DataFrame as sDataFrame
df = sDataFrame(example=pd.DataFrame({'y': []}, index=pd.DatetimeIndex([])))
echarts_panel = pn.pane.ECharts(theme="dark")
def line_plot(data):
data = pd.concat(data).reset_index()
echarts_panel.object = {
"xAxis": {
"type": 'category',
"data": list(data.index.values)
"yAxis": {
"type": 'value'
"series": [{
"data": list(data["y"]),
"type": 'line',
"showSymbol": False,
"hoverAnimation": False,
"responsive": True
return echarts_panel
# return alt.Chart(pd.concat(data).reset_index(), width='container').mark_line().encode(
# x='index',
# y='y',
# )
plot_stream = df.cumsum().stream.sliding_window(50).map(line_plot)
plot_pane = pn.pane.Streamz(plot_stream, height=350, sizing_mode="stretch_width", always_watch=True)
for i in range(100):
df.emit(pd.DataFrame({'y': [np.random.randn()]}, index=pd.DatetimeIndex([pd.datetime.now()])))
def emit():
df.emit(pd.DataFrame({'y': [np.random.randn()]}, index=pd.DatetimeIndex([pd.datetime.now()])))
pn.state.add_periodic_callback(emit, period=100, count=500)
layout = pn.template.ReactTemplate(
site="Awesome Panel", title="Streaming w. Echarts", theme=pn.template.react.DarkTheme, row_height=350
layout.main[0, 0:6]=plot_pane
layout.main[0, 6:12]=plot_pane.clone()
layout.main[1, 0:6]=plot_pane.clone()
layout.main[1, 6:12]=plot_pane.clone()