ValueError: assignment destination is read-only

I have an app that works the first time but crashes with the included error on second tries. I have isolated it to the hvplot object. I have tried wrapping it, returning from a function and all sorts of workarounds but for some weird reason when I execute the plot function a second time I get the error below.

Here is the most recent code that I have :

def get_output(event):
    if len(files_select.value) == 0:
        xd = fstd2nc.Buffer(files_select.value).to_xarray()
        xds = xd[select_field.value]

where the out_pane is a pn.Column although I have tried pn.pane.Bokeh or simply not instanciating it and having a pn.bind on the file select widget that was supposed to update but also gave me similar errors.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/pyviz_comms/", line 346, in _handle_msg
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/panel/", line 293, in _on_msg
    patch.apply_to_document(doc, if comm else None)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/bokeh/protocol/messages/", line 115, in apply_to_document
    invoke_with_curdoc(doc, lambda: doc.apply_json_patch(self.content, setter))
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/bokeh/document/", line 408, in invoke_with_curdoc
    return f()
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/bokeh/protocol/messages/", line 115, in <lambda>
    invoke_with_curdoc(doc, lambda: doc.apply_json_patch(self.content, setter))
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/bokeh/document/", line 391, in apply_json_patch
    DocumentPatchedEvent.handle_json(self, event_json, references, setter)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/bokeh/document/", line 259, in handle_json
    handler(doc, event_json, references, setter)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/bokeh/document/", line 300, in _handle_json
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/bokeh/document/", line 355, in trigger_json_event
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/bokeh/util/", line 119, in _trigger_event
    self.document.callbacks.notify_event(cast(Model, self), event, invoke)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/bokeh/document/", line 247, in notify_event
    invoke_with_curdoc(doc, callback_invoker)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/bokeh/document/", line 408, in invoke_with_curdoc
    return f()
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/bokeh/util/", line 115, in invoke
    cast(EventCallbackWithEvent, callback)(event)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/panel/", line 415, in _comm_event
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/panel/io/", line 391, in _handle_exception
    raise exception
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/panel/", line 413, in _comm_event
    self._process_bokeh_event(doc, event)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/panel/", line 350, in _process_bokeh_event
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/panel/widgets/", line 184, in _process_event
    self.clicks += 1
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/param/", line 367, in _f
    instance_param.__set__(obj, val)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/param/", line 369, in _f
    return f(self, obj, val)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/param/", line 625, in __set__
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/param/", line 369, in _f
    return f(self, obj, val)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/param/", line 1248, in __set__
    obj.param._call_watcher(watcher, event)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/param/", line 2039, in _call_watcher
    self_._execute_watcher(watcher, (event,))
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/param/", line 2021, in _execute_watcher
    watcher.fn(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/tmp/yor000/16839/ipykernel_19512/", line 40, in get_output
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/panel/layout/", line 290, in append
    self.objects = new_objects
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/param/", line 367, in _f
    instance_param.__set__(obj, val)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/param/", line 369, in _f
    return f(self, obj, val)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/param/", line 1248, in __set__
    obj.param._call_watcher(watcher, event)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/param/", line 2039, in _call_watcher
    self_._execute_watcher(watcher, (event,))
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/param/", line 2021, in _execute_watcher
    watcher.fn(*args, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/panel/", line 308, in _param_change
    self._apply_update(named_events, msg, model, ref)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/panel/", line 240, in _apply_update
    self._update_model(events, msg, root, model, doc, comm)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/panel/layout/", line 87, in _update_model
    msg[self._rename['objects']] = self._get_objects(model, old, doc, root, comm)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/panel/layout/", line 131, in _get_objects
    child = pane._get_model(doc, root, model, comm)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/panel/layout/", line 146, in _get_model
    objects = self._get_objects(model, [], doc, root, comm)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/panel/layout/", line 131, in _get_objects
    child = pane._get_model(doc, root, model, comm)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/panel/pane/", line 265, in _get_model
    plot = self._render(doc, comm, root)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/panel/pane/", line 342, in _render
    return renderer.get_plot(self.object, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/plotting/bokeh/", line 70, in get_plot
    plot = super().get_plot(obj, doc, renderer, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/plotting/", line 217, in get_plot
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/plotting/", line 256, in initialize_dynamic
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 1217, in __getitem__
    val = self._execute_callback(*tuple_key)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 984, in _execute_callback
    retval = self.callback(*args, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 582, in __call__
    ret = self.callable(*args, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/util/", line 996, in dynamic_operation
    key, obj = resolve(key, kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/util/", line 985, in resolve
    return key, map_obj[key]
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 1217, in __getitem__
    val = self._execute_callback(*tuple_key)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 984, in _execute_callback
    retval = self.callback(*args, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 582, in __call__
    ret = self.callable(*args, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 283, in dynamic_mul
    element = self[args]
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 1217, in __getitem__
    val = self._execute_callback(*tuple_key)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 984, in _execute_callback
    retval = self.callback(*args, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 582, in __call__
    ret = self.callable(*args, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/util/", line 996, in dynamic_operation
    key, obj = resolve(key, kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/util/", line 985, in resolve
    return key, map_obj[key]
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 1217, in __getitem__
    val = self._execute_callback(*tuple_key)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 984, in _execute_callback
    retval = self.callback(*args, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 582, in __call__
    ret = self.callable(*args, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/util/", line 997, in dynamic_operation
    return apply(obj, *key, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/util/", line 989, in apply
    processed = self._process(element, key, kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/util/", line 971, in _process
    return self.p.operation.process_element(element, key, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 194, in process_element
    return self._apply(element, key)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 141, in _apply
    ret = self._process(element, key)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/geoviews/operation/", line 439, in _process
    element =,
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/data/", line 204, in pipelined_fn
    result = method_fn(*args, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/data/", line 1216, in map
    return super(Dataset, self).map(*args, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 701, in map
    return map_fn(self) if applies else self
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 220, in __call__
    return element.apply(self, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 45, in pipelined_call
    result = __call__(*args, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 202, in __call__
    new_obj = apply_function(self._obj, **inner_kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 214, in __call__
    return self._apply(element)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 141, in _apply
    ret = self._process(element, key)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/geoviews/operation/", line 40, in _process
    return, self.supported_types)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/data/", line 204, in pipelined_fn
    result = method_fn(*args, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/data/", line 1216, in map
    return super(Dataset, self).map(*args, **kwargs)
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/holoviews/core/", line 701, in map
    return map_fn(self) if applies else self
  File "PATH_TO_ENV/geoviews/operation/", line 289, in _process_element
    zs[mask] = np.NaN
ValueError: assignment destination is read-only

Well! Even ChatGPT o3-mini-high can’t help me with this so here’s a Hail Marry to @ahuang11

Managed to at least bypass the error by installing spatialpandas as pointed out in this issue but now I see a blank plot with a single point in the middle. Hopefully my next breakthrough will not take 2-3 years :slight_smile:

ValueError: assignment destination is read-only

Sounds like a potential bug / maybe need a copy.

Tried copy and copy(deep=True) but that did not help. I think it is to do with GeoViews and Datashader since the only reliable way to reproduce is with hvplot.quadmesh(rasterize=True).

Can you file an issue?

Already have and referenced it here ValueError: assignment destination is read-only - #3 by StuckDuckF Mr. Andrew :slight_smile:

Can you share a reproducible example (e.g. with xr.tutorial.open_dataset) in the issue so we can try reproducing? Thanks!

I have been trying to and I can’t not make it work with the tutorial datasets (I tried all of them not just air) what I could do is share links to 2 example files (<100mb total) to help with this.